Swan and cygnets

Swan and cygnets
Mute swans were introduced to North American from Europe in the mid 1800's to the early 1900's. Pairs usually remain together for life and reuse the same nest each year. Typically 6 eggs are found in a nest and hatch in about five weeks. Baby swans, called cygnets, of the same brood can often have different color feathers, ranging from white to brown/gray. They feed on both aquatic vegetation and small animals such as frogs, tadpoles, fish, and insects.
This needlefelted sculpture features one adult and three cynets. Each are permanently fixed to a stone from Duck Harbor, Wellfleet, MA. The stone is 7 inches long. The adult is three inches tall. Each cygnet is about 1.5 inches long. The adult swan neck is posable as seen in photo. Materials: 100% wool, floral and chenille wire.